Newsletters PageThe more recent letters are available by clicking on the blue links.Earlier letters have been archived into one long document. Click the link at the bottom of the page to read it.Any replies, photographs, comments, or additional letters, should be addressed to for posting on this website.Spring 2015Click here to open our Spring 2015 NewsletterWinter 2014/15Click here to open our Winter 2014/15 NewsletterSummer 2014Click here to open our Summer 2014 NewsletterSummer 2013Click here to open our Summer 2013 Newsletter Spring 2013Click here to open our Spring 2013 Newsletter Summer 2012Click here to open our Summer 2012 Newsletter. Click on the pictures below for a larger view.
Can you name these pupils?
C’est la vie
Please sir I wants some more and I hope it’s Danish